Saturday, March 15, 2014

The condition of the pagan pig mud and disease infested Psychiatrist is so sad, pathetic and should be looked upon with enormous amount of sympathy

Psychiatrists suffer from a type of condition that is similar to that of someone hating oneself day after day after day. This type of person is the lowest form of a human being that is within the realm of all possibilities. This is the person that craves the odor of animal and human feces. This type of person can be found on most days, wiping their buttock hole incorrectly, since this type of person is not does not posses the ability to wipe their buttock correctly. The typical Psychiatrist can never tell the differences between what is requires to learn the ability to have either proper dining etiquette habits or whether it is a good idea to have improper dining etiquette habits. This person most of the time confuses their mind intentionally while attempting to seek and direct their own rational behavior, but failing to assert rational behavior with every attempt of conscious redirection of their mind leading to never ending circles of repetitive skewed, abberated, non-congruent, pathetic and weak thoughts, emotions, and behavior, that always leads to their short lived success that inevitably always led to permanent dereliction, and the pathetic fact that they are always ostracized within any society of the world and also within in any region of the world during the entire history of the fake religion of Psychiatry.

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