Saturday, March 15, 2014
The Karma of the Pyschiatrists during the last 330 years in finally now reaching its maximum momentum and the force of the equilibrium is creating many shortcomings for the once world power hungry fat control pigs. Their end is near, and they will suffer many years of anguish, misery, dispair, pain, sadness, entrapment, sorrow, confusion, loss, tradgedy, accidental physical injury, persecution, instances frequent harrassments, maming, "tricked and deceived by the commonor", public embarassment and humiliation, be found guilty in an international court for crimes against people who never committed a crime, but only merely had different sets of behavior. These Pigs of Doctors will have done to what they have done to others, multiplied by a 1000 fold force, towards the opposite direction, that is, torwards themselves, in the form the sum of all of their mandatory life imprisionments for every former and current Psychiatrist that is current on the earth.
The new psychological study from the National Institute of Mental Health this
morning his longtime site with depression
who's going wider border in person at a moment's
from this
bird abnormalities in the neurotransmitter
million american kids take prescribed
Michael W
punishment former abortion there
support criticized
everywhere you look there it is think psychiatry has nothing to do with you
think again the whole field of psychiatry
has gotten into every facet of your life the
basically believe that everyone is mentally ill
you smoke too much to disease yet to inhibit citizens
good to see me to disease busy
where he's coming from these are coming from the mines and psychiatrist the
degree me things up
writing papers again and getting published with their names on
calling creating these new disease first he said that I had a TD
then he said that I was depressed many said I might be bipolar
but I don't have ADD any he said you know I've been noticing you
and I i wonder if you have it till what they decide is that both my husband and
my son had camped on balance it needed to be credited with me
chemical balance there is not one shred of credible evidence that Henny
respectable scientist would consider valid
demonstrating that anything this guy Chris call mental illness
a brain diseases or biochemical about it's all
fraud there's no reliability of DNA tests ahead there is no science is just
so excited
science this is one the most open secrets and all
America and the psychic field
that nothing nothing is being done is legitimate and their billing for
psychiatrists claim that over one billion of the world's population is
mentally ill
in the past three years they have prescribed psychiatric medications
to $ million people
and right now the drug seventeen million school children
with stimulants and antidepressants
when recently asked about the scientific basis of their profession
those psychiatrists willing to be interviewed I have offered I'm nothing
but excuses
psych trick here hitler's is say is not really
illness are you evaluated
someone is secured or more sick your son something we look forward to we have no
earthly idea how to accomplish
we're not good schools we don't know what cost includes
but that hasn't stopped them from pronouncing themselves
mental health experts and treating people against their will
and the results
this of strike client
man who's supposed to work to heal people
has done nothing but destroy this man's life
and in destroying his rival destroying the lives
overall his local skewed they damaged in really nice and I
trapped him in the system the way that they traded him and made him
film like he was worthless right was being
capetown and and high on religion
so they can make twenty five hundred dollars per month he gave me valium
and I'm I got addicted get wiped
out my life
my life has been ruined it
my Joe it's been stolen she was lying near
cheated to bed
to get us to be here died great intro to meet
it is really tragic its lawful
and is being done for money that's why it's being how it's gonna be in the
billions I don't know the exact number it's gonna be in the billions
its name I just unbelievable this is so big tits
I'll it boggles the mind take the human tragedy
work just see and multiply it by the millions
in the past four decades nearly twice as many americans have died
in government psychiatric hospitals linen all
US wars since insurance companies pay out
billion dollars every year for psychiatric services
doubling the cost of medical insurance premiums and while
Ricky in over two trillion dollars and psychiatrist cannot point
to a single cue
hard to believe that's exactly what they count on
and as we will show you it's how they have been getting away with it
from the very beginning
the router SEQ ID have to do with control power
and alienation from certain group of people who were uncomfortable be around
they were locked up in these places to get him out of the way
I the history of psychiatry at really is related to
institutions bethlehem Royal Hospital in London
was one of the world's first psychiatric institutions
commonly referred to as bed the hospital was little more than a warehouse
for those d man
inmates were confined to cages closets
and animal stalls chain to walls and flocked
while the asylum charged admission for public view
in the eighteenth-century William batty
was the first to promote that his institutions could cure
the mentally ill batteries mad houses made him one of the richest man in
though his treatments work every bit as inhumane
as those practiced in bedlam with not a single
patient cured his financial success
triggered a boom in the asylum business and opportunity
for psychiatrist to cash in on this new growth industry
this was an era where
on both sides of the Atlantic specialized institutions for the
mentally ill
begin to be built in large numbers those institutions date back
certainly to the beginning of the th century in a few cases even
that part the explosive growth
asylum sector
asylum some historians have called
is very much ur and th century from home
its that period when the state
is persuaded to invest tax dollars and build
these places but while those who ran the institutions were getting rich
psychiatrists yet lacked the credibility to maximize their cash flow
in order to justify their profession
they needed to come up with these biological solutions or they'd
did in any profession the only way for them to solve that was to attempt to
I believe the that that these
people there were suffering from motion disorders
was room for a biological basis whatever was good I'm
to make this person more manageable would be simply called the trick
and the sad reality is that many of the so-called
treatments were in essence torture the near-drowning devices that were
developed in this period for example must've been
appallingly frightening for example one device involved putting the patient into
a coffin
closing the lid and dumping it into a pot of water
and then opening it up and trying to revive the patient
they were Ranger these things in the mortality rate was
was very very high psychiatrist next saw
to give credence to their practices by cloaking them in the language of
this repackaging treatment became known
as the medical model summit was really hyper manic
he wrapped up in a cold chain dumped into some water your
going to quit acting manic because I suppose punishing
Tremont so but as soon as a simple start to go away they started with somehow by
wrapping up in Duncan cold water
was some draining toxics on their body
so they built the medical model around there pushing the biological theory of
mental illness
a step further an American Benjamin rush
put forth the idea that insanity was caused by too much blood in the head
the Cure remove the blood bike any means possible
restraint cold water believe
even terror and with that a new medical model was created
Benjamin Rush was
probably the most famous American physician the revolutionary here
our rush was known as them masturba leader
he bled his patience for madness he also invented something called
the tranquilizer search here that looks a little bit like an electric chair
the patient was confined in this apparatus
sometimes with cold water apply to his her head
for some hours at a time in russian ounces in later
that he's invented this new contraption adopted the tranquilizer
russia's of a movie for procedures were detailed in his
textbook which remain psychiatry is authoritative source
for the next seventy years he was so
revered that in rush was enshrined
as the father american psychiatry on the seal
up the American Psychiatric Association
as the swore on psychiatry is mounting
fielder's at curing methods threaten their financial bottom line
forcing them to invent new medical models
the cules promised when's the liver
so by the eighteen sixties and seventies a growing with pessimism was covering
Europe and North America and effectively the new institutions
where ever growing in size but not growing in their effectiveness
the th century brought more medical models
American psychiatrist Henry Cotton
mutilated his patients by removing their body parts
declaring this a breakthrough in the treatment of mental illness
the earliest target was the teeth and the tonsils and the sinuses
but when patients didn't get better the enthusiast for this treatment
then started to move down the body and to say well obviously patients have
I'm bacteria survivors so starts need to go swings need to go
colin's need to go as public
outcry escalated over torture and me being a patient's
psychiatrists would invent new methods each one hill
does the miracle cure but each one was ultimately proven
no more effective nor less brutal than the last
this is a used to secure moralists
to damage the patient this is a version of the original model which was the team
that my kids
if you're doing to somebody because you insist that they have to change
and you're gonna do that by turning the screw you might say
weathers with medication restrain whatever that's torture
any huge party with psychiatry is done really comes down to torture
as the th century progressed psychiatry would continue to seek
Mike transforming itself into a medical discipline
but they succeeded only in creating more efficient ways
up inflicting mental and physical torture and death
a legacy that is carried forward into modern psychiatry
with its most profitable medical model today the mask drug
have moved
but to do this psychiatrists first had to shatter
one of mankind's most cherished believes decreeing that people
were not what they thought they were
Leipzig University Germany
professor your home phone experiments on the human senses
born declares man's thoughts personality
and behavior are nothing more than chemical reactions in the brain
want are became frustrated
with his inability to change behavior because he was dealing with the original
you know psychology that the psyche that with all
eighty created a new science which was based on
man being an animal without a full
to be trained not to be a thinker
but to be trained students from around the world gather to study
wants new definition up man as a soulless organism
the spirit of the age was summed up by German philosopher
Friedrich Nietzsche got is told
got polite told via
pop following foods theory
a Russian Yvonne pavlov conducted animal experiments
seeking methods to modify behavior have a lot of studying well him once
laboratory in Leipzig Germany in the late s
and he experimented with are dogs
be in with electrodes in and stimulus response
denying are privileges it did not ring rewards
and he noticed that when you brought out some food in front of animals dogs in
that they would begin selling sorry to read about the same time
that he brought the food out and then eventually so to bring in the food out
it is raining down of course that provides got all excited
call their condition reflex pavlov's first human subjects were children he
punched holes in their cheeks to collect and measure their saliva
Pavlovian conditioning became what are the major foundations of
a lot of behavioral science research in the th century
the idea that behavior could be controlled through repetitive
became known as behaviorism the behaviorists believe
that all children are animals and can be trained as animals this was the view
I've behaviorists as matter fact
John Watson the most famous some the behaviorist
says that you have to treat human beings
or look at human beings the way you would look at the box
use water see the behavior is not interested in what's up
in your head or your soul because they don't believe there is a soul
Watson successor Harvard psychologist BF skinner
believed all behavior could be manipulated to suit whatever ends
the behavioral psychologist was seeking skin
develop what's called operant conditioning where he
was able to demonstrate you can change animal behavior by
certain schedules of reinforcement by giving him rewards at certain times and
you can teach pigeons to play ping pong for example in the impeach rats to and
and you can teach human being to seat certain
economic or societal wars Skinner could
actually shape new behavior patterns and this actually was the sort of thing you
quite soon became very famous for perhaps his most notorious experiment
with the skinner box he was designing skinner box with some like a big play
are but everything in its control temperatures control the lights
and so on the ideas the new present children with certain stimuli that you
want them to
learned to react to
for nearly a year Skinner isolated his daughter in a box
similar to those he built for rats the child was stimulated and how to respond
in a certain way like
likened like a chicken or a rat in a cage
per se firmly believe that children or animals
if you believe though the trials a human being you can train like a wrap
today about forty million dollars a year in taxpayer money
is paid out by the United States National Institute of Mental Health
for behavioral psychology research a total of $ billion since
with these funds
psychiatrists apply the same conditioning techniques
developed by Pavel of what and Skinner
case in point a juvenile detention center
where children are hooked up to people batteries
and shocked in a procedure called aversion therapy
and one was having a number of problems because it was up at the center
that was shocking enough we can be anything there was a button on a little
almost like a TV remote I would be used in Khost
they'll get an additional shine for trying to remove the electrode
so they're they're expected to sit there and let his pad electricity pass to
their skin
without trying to remove it if they yell
in anticipation that the shock they will shock the student additional time for
the course to to send this to injured Rundberg from New York just about
per student the students are torture
they're given this electric shock therapy for no other reason but to win
click paying other techniques include
administering electric shock to treat sexual deviance
sending powerful magnetic impulse is through the school
to interrupt brain activity and shooting high voltage
through surgically implanted electrodes all to stifle
problem behave and costing up to one hundred thousand dollars per page
and while the science without a soul lead to behavior modification techniques
that continue to generate billions in research and treatment
it also laid the groundwork for another psychiatric moved
that would cause the death %uh Mills I O
January as world war two
comes to a close the whole Hitler's Final Solution
expose with grotesque killing factories
unparalleled in human history mass graves filled with corpses up man
women and children murdered by starvation
Berlin and poison gas what
could drive man to commit such atrocities against their fellow human
the answer is the pseudo-science called eugenics
created and promoted by psychiatrists decades before the Nazis came to power
eugenics movement got started in with Francis calm
and he felt that human being should take evolution in their own hands and that
the most talented
individuals most healthy individuals most attractive individuals
should have more or spring there was great concern
that people that they considered had poor jeans
were reproducing faster than the people they considered
had good genes they felt that medical solution might be
proper one this is what led to the sterilization resulted in sterilisation
a mentally ill people
sterilization are for target people sterilization
people we don't like politically and socially alternately so the problem is
not with genetics
the problem is a pretend phony genetics
used to justify inhumane social policies
the never proven this anything but a theory by the early part of the th
eugenics had spread to almost thirty countries from England Brazil
Mexico sweet Russian and most notably
the United States we're forced sterilization
was widely practiced
eugenics movement in germany was somewhat different than the eugenics
movement in the United States
in that are there many more physicians and psychiatrist
after pledges one of the pioneers in the German eugenics movement
and how to control the population those be considered injured
along with
his brother-in-law earns ruden he established the first
I'll organization for racial hygiene
I did not see your and obviously can I was that people
schools many on be that the attic hmmm
Concord Acrobat ok go to school because sexy busty
the substorm good job with a law designed to connect Expo
picked up some people have biked your Hitler was particularly impressed by
American eugen assist
Madison grant ok grants book the passing of the great
race was proclaimed by Hitler as his personal Bible
in his book Mein Kampf Hitler further hailed eugenics
as the science that would rebuild the germination
what a guy is good on-page benefit me
gotta know credit one card I can go right up to date but
got the right top rope burn it up right I correctly
do not become a stripper I just right the Germany Genesis
welcomed the Nazi I Advent power
because the Nazi program could fund
very programs that they had in mind the nazis gave them political support
financial support and
conversely good psychiatrist gave the nazis
a medical justification for I
their genocidal policies something like
forty percent of German psychiatrists joined the SS by
they weren't forced into the SS they just joined it natural because that
because the beliefs were very very similar ruden
and his work lead directly to the decision
to move from sterilization to murder their plan was simple
first convince the public that feeble minded undesirables
wanted to escape the bird there exist but could not say
and that killing was an act of mercy
then extend the definition of inferior to include job was witnesses
jus gypsies homosexuals
all onward have life psychiatrist produced propaganda movies
known as the Nazi killing feels shown in all fifty three hundred theaters
throughout Germany
guys discuss part
is as and maybe and that was the difference. be folks
is to list associates own conclusions
soon the meeting you home with King dozens
divorced south
I'm YES on units on the just
eames yes the lost souls
household Indus on
all-male it first started with possible violence which is starvation
it then intensified to lethal injections and finally it developed into
systematic gassing & Cremation
their headquarters were established in Berlin
under the infamous codename t
program was named after tear garden for
which essentially resulted over Purdue time
in the murder about , people who were deemed mentally retarded
emotionally distraught
more physically handicapped by the Germans they were called
all life on worthy love love it the killing
piloted in psychiatric institutions across Germany
then moved into the concentration camps with top
German psychiatrists as the executioners Palm Beach
the t director declared does also Kia
concept of public dollars of gold
from uploaded apostles six million Jews died
in concentration camps and as a result that Nazi extermination policies
ruden I congratulated him for making his that is rooms thirty-year dream
come true after the Nazi surrender
International Court of Justice was held to put psychiatry on trial for its war
but American psychiatrists during a permanent blow to the future of
stepped in by shifting the blame onto a handful
German psychiatrists
there were some doctors who were prosecuted but very few
orange ruden return to Switzerland at the end to the war
he did not serve any prison time
when the strangest things all about the legacy of nazi signs
is that some of the nastiest a
psychiatric you Genesis at the end of the war
went back to work either in Jerome or sometimes United States
what began with the psychiatric plan to eliminate
undesirable humanity had now spread throughout the civilized world
and was responsible for the murder up eleven million people
never brought to justice psychiatrists as you will see
continue to advance eugenics around the world
and today we see the results
in racism human misery and
on ending social conflict
after world war two
a new eugenics
was resurrected powder the bones and ashes
the old eugenics eugenics movement has been at the forefront
to establish and new scientific racism
that justifies oppression and exploitation
racist in fact
racism is inseparable from the roots of psychiatry
put the entire history of Psychiatry beginning with scientific conclusions
that were made
in the s was an effort to prove the intellectual
in few already african-americans benjamin rush's to
father mom psychiatry and he is someone
they gave us the term nigger to he said that all blacks
have inherited this disease and this particular disease
it caused them to be inferior in addition to that
it was the reason why it was very important that blacks remains segregated
separate from whites so that whites did not inherit this disease
asserting that Negra to it was a form of
leprosy rush justified segregation as
a medical necessity and that became an argument
to continue slavery the fact that you have far
have brutalize the whole group of people had nothing to do with that
it had everything to do with some genetic Lincoln that basically you're
just disease person's soul
when a slave master want to get rid of are recalcitrance leave
they could just say all other the suffering from this disease trapped
that is the name of the mental disorder that was contrived by saying heartbreak
who said the blacks have a mental disorder
if they had a desire to run away from slavery
running away became such a common problem
that sec have trees attempted to get that a disease
is that what that appear for that and
there to work which was well put together that break when we have been
streaked with britain's be surprised how that disease clears up
I when the lash is put in place over there excuse
after slavery was abolished psychiatric racism not only persisted
it intensified the American Journal of Psychiatry
officially proclaimed that negroes as descendants of savages and cannibals
were ill-prepared for higher civilization while they're
pseudo-science eugenics
stepped up its racist activities I
there is a clear and long into the connection between eugenics movement
and the Ku Klux Klan harry laughlin
who was the corning institutions director
the eugenics Record office had close relationship
to the Ku Klux Klan through the publication of a book called white
which was written by a major clan leader
so bottom wrote a glowing review the book
and the eugenics news hi and
at the same time you have the crooks plant using
eugenics to justify their racist
goals but psychiatric racism wasn't exclusively american
from the worst abuses of the th century
occurred in South Africa with the government adopted the same
racist theories and practices used by hip this was no coincidence
the Prime Minister had studied eugenics as a psychology student
in nazi influence Germany in the nineteen twenties
Bavarian Rick good move this regard to those
you architect Laporte a
he use or South Africa as a divide the
stud with wives look brown
people living and totally separate areas
with for black people a ring no drugs whatsoever
with apartheid in place psychiatrists established mental hospitals throughout
the country
that were in fact nothing more than slave labor camps
is doses operated under a private company by the name though Smith
Mitchell & Company
I was saving money through the cheap accommodation for psychiatric both sides
world making massive fortune
up to money that problem to the appropriate
for me because %um so it was a corrupt system
when this operation was finally exposed
it was discovered that , prisoners have perished
while at the same time psychiatrists had collected
$ million dollars in funding from the South African government
the World Health Organization issued a report declaring that psychiatry
cultivated racism and that apartheid did have a parallel
in the ownership and training of slaves in
in the United States psychiatrist Louis jolly West
continued psychiatry is legacy of racism hatching a secret abrasion therapy
call requirements Center his government funded plan
implanted electrodes in the brains of african-american and Hispanic males
to shock them should exhibit any violent behavior and if that didn't work
chemically castrate them with drugs when West
races proposal met with public outrage the plan was quickly shelved
those psychiatrist unrelenting racist theories were blunted
they were not stopped in
psychologist Richard Kerns team co author the bill Kerr
claiming to prove that blacks were genetically disabled
and therefore inferior to whites the bell curve
I'm really argues a very old eugenics idea it argues that people are born
with different kinds of intellectual abilities that these are inborn
pretty much at birth it goes back to the notion that somehow black people are
genetically and biologically
inferior to white people as a way to justify what was released pro
programs and social racism social sexism
and you see that kind of thinking going on in public school testing
IQ testing and Educational Testing and tracking
and this new tool fit into that old mall
it was a new tool that could prove intellectual inferiority of
psychiatric profession has done great damage
certainly in the past and far too many in the present to
to subvert democracy and perpetuate racial stereotypes
even more deep racism in society
we have to battle against discontinue misinformation disinformation
pseudo-science he can be repackaged in whatever form a formative years
but if it is based solely upon the color of one's skin and it has demanded that
human being I just reject
and so today
the flame up hatred continues to burn fueled by pseudo-scientific lines
this is the heritage of Psychiatry as a justification for racism
and as a pretext for political repression
week there are many you just gimme talent
what is going on that the wood burning up boy do it
everybody yeah United with you
good when you review them out there
but couldn't be jim day
you the UK died with human hair
yeah yeah
so be it regime demanded absolute Lord those who did not
told the party line were considered dissidents and labeled
enemies of the state with no more than a whisper to the secret police
they would vanish into one of these special psychiatric hospitals
despite the risks
the so-called dissident put their ideas of freedom
into action the bills recent they look pretty little
between is not clear to deal with the link above political red
the told the oldest of Q
while others considered themselves loyal soviet citizens
didn't should go be to
%um should go trio again is mucho
so it's good condone
limp thermal noticed
he in the Google whilst legal to Burton
your first meal you believe in you
be at the some links between your own Chris
me he'll only a month away that particular
according to soviet psychiatrists they all suffered from
inflexibility of convictions a symptom of a new disorder
sluggish schizophrenia third
third-and- paying
you get people
like their counterparts in other countries in
the soviet psychiatrists prescribe powerful drugs
to cure their patients you
you for those who are local
hutu with Google who are
doesn't smothered the other guys the gruesome earlier with a custom
when you get there world the food water
one of those who are opposed to start
problem but can you do it with them
ok Russian up with you because you choose to its customers
who pushed you to a dumb I'll cover the
who this Google go to do to the the personal not doable
Tom the cautions sure the ship that much to us to go with the Aggies
for the shoot for true to sleep or the social who doesn't it withdrew
Russian approve you actually a coup from gloves that
be such a thing was more room proven solution with my cousin on the way
we will board beautiful
with think about the way he and
is for the that those who commit with for you
you through it with the first unless the
the ability to burn this lil lawyer
schedule a couple for the Illini
medium though you're keeping his eye
it feels really he'll is BYU for those I what was a problem
who broke with your cup we still want to %uh probably be so it would be easy to
be sweet mitzi legal
me for you too much room you become when you're with your YouTube a little bit to
do with two
it to be over we're still looking for the truth
missus clinton's from
the Soviet government arrested over two million people
who for political reasons were diagnosed
as mentally sick and were forced to undergo psychiatric treatment
even today psychiatry remains the coercive
to love choice for government throughout the world
what we learned is that in get my work want on a Monday
that we had teams have health care professionals compass get teens
behavior scientist I'm psychologist working it with the military
to advise them on how far you can push a at
prisoner their abuses that happen documented around the world
we have health care professionals who have committed I'm potentially
home axo treason are within the medical ethics
and there's nobody supervising there's nobody making them stand accountable to
the medical ethics
but psychiatrists have never reserve physical and mental torture
exclusively for political process throughout history
they have repackaged and sold it to the public
as there
beginning in the nineteen twenties
psychiatrist embraced a new group out procedures
but claimed to work by creating intentional damage to the brain
Munford Sokol at this notion
they could kill just that bad brain cells that
somehow we have good wrestles with a bad brain cells so if you give people enough
you kill those bad brain cells and if the person survive this
epilepsy they would be better off forward
despite compulsions that caused severe spinal cord injuries in forty percent of
the patients
cycle pointed to their childlike state and declared his treatment a success
hospitals build insulin wards and coma therapy
became big business not to be outdone
let us lost phone with dune Hungary believed he could drive out mental
by inducing brain damaging seizures with a drug called
metres I'll he noticed his epileptics no mental health problems and mental health
psychiatric patients seem to have no epilepsy and so he thought doing one
would have it the other the theory was that epilepsy in schizophrenic could
coexist in the same brain
and that if epilepsy was induced that the seizure was caused it would quote
drive out
the schizophrenia
there's no scientific basis for those whatsoever
metres all was fast and lucrative
in the morning a single psychiatrist good chemically shock
fifty patients into a docile and manageable state
by metres or was so popular with psychiatrists and staff
it was used in seventy percent of American hospitals and in almost every
other country in the world
and the financial success insulin and mattress all
sparked the development haven't even more profitable method
inducing brain damaging convulsions how you like to shop there be no
we're using electro approval on the haitian
p.m. like it and then buy me some Christmas school probably
for electric current through to bring just for a fraction
up a second patient as we hate it
I'll the story behind this miracle cure
began in a Roman slaughterhouse and in Italy
in a
a Italian psychiatrists decided to
observed that before slaughtering pigs
in order to make the pigs more docile
they word apply electrodes to their
temples that were hooked up to
wall current and edit this
done the pigs but it didn't kill them and they could then slaughter them
well this gave them
the encouragement to try inducing convulsions
with electricity your
good we would see
teeth falling out broken spines
bones knocked out of joint broken bones
and people even getting internal organ damage from being restrained while they
were having his
on troll right thing
seizures convulsions netting games
big day
and John might he will be here if it were not for the
held paloma King I'll
having successfully sold bring damage is a cure
psychiatrist search for even more precise ways
up targeting the brain this was jump-started in
when an explosion blew a steel rod Street through the head the Vermont real
we worker
vinnie is gage well gates survived his personality
was dramatically altered seventy years later Portuguese neurologist
you guys monies would try to obtain a simple result
by drilling into a patient's call and squirting pure
alcohol directly into the brain killing the tissue with the frontal lobes
monies called this new procedure a lobotomy
doctor Walter J freemen would become lobotomies most
infamous practitioner he discovered he could do it
faster without having to drill through the skull there was no anesthesia
and he would just
lift up thine
nothing more than an ice pick
rate into the brain remember the work tomorrow
and then just break the thing back and forth
until he was satisfied this there
cause enough disruption a brain tissue and then
Palau freemen traveled the country in his globe on the mobile
packing apart his patients brains on stage or sometimes
right there in the vehicle he would pull up an offer lobotomies to people
get referrals from the local doctors are sometimes people didn't go through
doctors the correct Ala Moana mobile
and he would just do the brain damage in procedure right there
by the time his surgical privileges were revoked after his last patient died on
the operating table
Freeman had performed or supervised over lobotomies
more than percent of which by his own admission left his patience
in a vegetative state they are bottom eyes DGE
a million people in the forties and fifties in beginning at the sixties
until they came to the conclusion that this was a destructive treatment but the
story is a miraculous cures were soon exposed as bringing damaging
roles psychiatrists can be one step ahead inventing new forms of cycle
past of as medical advances I completely shed for months
tell and that's what I heard in my head
when he a drill something not
in my broom no
went and I'm them
home who'll out why did you have to do that
mom Poonam the new shooken
and in shouldn't yeah crime everything shook
hmmm I'm
that was good response in the Hamptons my prime
nobody has the right any way to breakup
somebody's brain their own operation to buy now
or kept me awake but every second
I remember to preside
and I still remember it to this day because at this operation every day in
my life
like you are not know it
psychiatrist still tout the benefits of lobotomy
a treatment that burns them $ million dollars annually
but in the wake up lobotomies tarnished reputation psychiatrists were quick to
push the electroshock
back into the spotlight remaining
electroconvulsive therapy
thing now give patients anesthetics to squash their screams
and paralyzing agents to avoid watching the writing a vacum
main misconception
that people have about ECT is that it's new and improved
the new and improved for strictly to these cosmetic improvements because
in back they make it easier on the witnesses the person is in shaking all
over the table
paralyzed it isn't new it is an improved
is worse every years or so there tends to be
first evolved and I'll causes any harm
an acknowledgement that might have caused harm but here's a whole new
and now this one is pointless without any research to back you know
the ECT machine can predict produce anywhere from to
volts that's the kinda energy that we use
for industrial machinery there might be a steel mill or some
or printing press some large piece of machinery it's an extraordinary amount
of energy and the causes of great deal of damage
and while stories a prisoner's physically mistreated with electroshock
are well publicized
the amount of electricity doled out by psychiatrist for ECT
is up to times great and that
damage is most often targeted at the most vulnerable
two-thirds of those who receive electroshock
are women given such diagnoses as premenstrual syndrome
menopausal disorder or postpartum depression happen electroshock patients
are held
once they become eligible for government health care at age
percent more american seniors receive ECT
that age and what does this all add up to
, death and countless others so brain-damaged
they have no hope ever recovering a normal life for a total
twelve dollars worth of electricity psychiatrist in the United States alone
ricky's billion dollars
but the next miracle cure psychiatrists added to their arsenal
made them more money than ever before for it was fast
cheap at could turn every man woman and child
into a patient from life
by early s psychiatrist
discovered their next miracle cure a chemical
originally designed to kill parasites in pics their new discovery hindered brain
in much the same way as shopping and I speak into the ice
it was simple treatment in a new disguise
with the end and these new tranquilizing
drug it seems not too much to say that we're on the verge
other an entirely new era you in the treatment
a mental illness dominated
chemical lobotomy good Canadian psychiatrist
Heights Lane described the receipt as a simple
easy to take bill with the same effects as cycle surgery
but without the mess
forcing provided psychiatry with the entry into mainstream at
had its magic bullet if I'm a psychiatrist who have to spend an hour
talking to someone
psychotherapy is only so much I can charge with Howard
but if I can come in give you appeal send you back out in minutes for
minutes at a much more efficient
use of my time monitor what psychiatrist
didn't tell the public was that for a scene caused a crippling
neurological condition known as tardive dyskinesia
and that's a neurological syndrome where you
muscle twitches abnormal jerks which are uncontrolled
and they either last for a long time or sometimes are permanent
so that's very clear very well recognized
long-term or permanent brain damage from these medications mister block his
virtually no signs of his original illness now the signs that
the movements of his mouth or complete the side effects of the drugs and he was
on the twenty years
mister blown is quite rational he understands what's going on
on medicare patients who can carry on a very rational conversation with
even when you remove the drug in they still remain
it means you have cost a permanent disabling in the brain
in the late fifties you get the per sign to the people starting to worry about it
but it's not until the lake
seventies that that psychiatrist art warning their patients about
years for zines manufacturer smithkline
French had good reason to keep a lid on the bad news
in the first year alone SKL saw three
thousand-person return on their original investment
with the public and the press kept in the dark about the severe and disabling
side effects
prominent doctors and psychiatrists met in Puerto Rico
to lay the groundwork for the expansion of psychiatric drugs
far into the future
psychiatrist doctor Nathan Kline wrote this in the conference's final report
president Brett to produce may be almost trivial
when we compare it to the possible number of chemical substances
will be available for the control of selective aspects a man's life
yet house doctor klein spearheaded a movement
flooding new psychiatric wonder drugs under the global marketplace
backed by a massive publicity machine spending hundreds of millions of dollars
psychiatry was now on industry up drug pushers
by nineteen seventy the American Psychiatric Association was so dependent
drug company money that percent of its annual budget
came from pharmaceutical advertisements in its official journals
so we had money flowing to trade organizations
we have money flowing to the doctors mom
and to the journals well we all know that that this can influence how they
the majority of National Institute of Mental Health and National Institute of
Health scientists
are getting more money from drug companies on the side
then their tax base salary
with so much money to be made all psychiatrist needed
was a scientific theory to justify it their solution
an official report declaring that all mental problems
derived from a so-called chemical imbalance in the brain
requiring drugs to correct is chemical imbalance is one of the greatest
fallacies ever for Houston upon patient
and the public there is no chemical test
to show an imbalance related any psychiatric disease whereas depression
anxiety what have you
the chemical imbalance is for the benefit to the psychiatrist
it has to be there so the psychiatrists can treated
but fraudulent chemical imbalance theories
could not hide the mounting evidence of common and terrifying side effects
such as acuff easier
ACA he/she a here's like an extremely nervous
in turner percentage people described as wanting to crawl out of their own
skins and this happens with great frequency
and it is absolutely totally well understood to be associated with
suicide in violence and homicide after years of these reported side effects
and cases upon cases of violence self-mutilation
and death in health experts
legislators and the public finally forced the FDA
to order an investigation I know with absolute certainty
that Charles had any idea the side effects of Prozac
he would never have taken it I had two sons David Lee
age bill is sexting wife twenty years all gold
I'll tell you while after being on prozac
days my wife shot and killed both these two boys right heel
she turned to go on shots you have twice exactly nine millimeter automatic
down on the bed and put the gun to my head
and I blew a four-inch hole up the back of my arm instead of my head
think I was a lousy shot had someone look further into protect steps could
have been taken to avoid it
what was supposed to be an unbiased hearing
was a panel of psychiatrists the vast majority with personal financial ties
to pharmaceutical companies they basically couldn't find an expert
doctors psychiatrists at a.m.
leading medical school who basically in some way another didn't have a
consulting agreement
hadn't taken money from on the pharmaceutical companies
I do not find from the evidence today that there is credible evidence
to support a conclusion that antidepressant drugs cause the emergence
and/or the intensification of suicidality
and/or other violent behavior vs
marketplace's and over
thousand and more side effects would you like to tell me what instrument store
is earned and I know why it's an unholy alliance between
psychiatric community the pharmaceutical industry in the afternoon and the answer
is yes
this unholy alliance became all too apparent in
when pharmaceutical companies persuaded the FDA
to allow them to advertise directly to the pup
with psychiatrists providing medical endorsement
and in just three years sales a psychiatric drugs Skyrock
almost two-and-a-half times
when the numbers of violence and suicide victims shot through the roof
public outrage finally forced the FDA
to issue a warning labels on anti-depressants
but by then thirteen years at best billions of dollars have been made
and psychiatrists were marketing their next
wonder drug
over percent of the world's population has now taken psychiatric drugs
backed up by take science and endorsed by regulators
were bought and paid for
their harmful medications grossed nearly million dollars in
and what psychiatrists were finding a way to diagnose
and Drug every person on the planet on another front
they were continuing their assault on our most personal freedoms
psychiatrist demand the
absolute right to determine what is best for the so-called
mentally ill after all the mentally ill
are crazy and on people to evaluate the wrong treatment
to enforce their authority over others
and keep their institutions filled that profitable levels
psychiatrist use a method called involuntary commitment
when you go to a real doctor say a family doctor
warranty cardiologists a patient always has the right to refuse treatment
so there is no such thing as involuntary treatment when it comes to
clinical medicine as practiced by real doctors
psychiatrists of course believe that people can be treated
against their will in
psychiatrist Wynford overalls are presented a plan to congress
intended to take involuntary commitment to a whole new level
the plan purchased a million acres of Alaskan wilderness
build a huge mental asylum and change the commitment laws
so that anyone could be shipped off with no more than a simple not
from a psychiatrist
the bill sailed through the House of Representatives but when the public got
wind of the plan
they became enraged referring to it as siberia USA
the bill was quickly struck in the senate but while the death the
siberia bill put a stop to their large-scale plants
involuntary commitment still remained the most effective
and profitable method for filling psychiatric institutions
again the person has committed no crime and
has no trial and is sent directly to
a mental hospital which is really a present how many people go to an insane
asylum in CP's lock me up
doctors don't look at me but sick at least look good
even children can be taken from their parents with little legal recourse
they just invaded our home
they came in with officers our kids are scared
you know they can be with his paper and say you're giving us your kids in Psych
you know how can a just come in and do that
she said you could be arrested for medical neglect nothing but how was that
way in
you know this is mine Sal in and ask me that he doesn't need that much
why would you brought me with something like that at p.m.
two policemen and two social workers take came to my house
and took all four of my kid to weigh once committed to psychiatric hospitals
patients are drugged and restrict the more a person
jack's the more this objection is construed
as symptom love in mental nomas
at which point the person would be locked up interest rates who would be
the ankle the need to waste
the head the wrist and shoulder restraint and
if when the process was happening if that was almost any resistance at all
the person with the medicaid
to point to the bill it would almost be knocked out we had one case where they
actually took up patient in a coaching Roman
maybe map them and they'll add about it in the year
services that investigated so it's a pretty wide range %uh abuse issues that
we've encountered
psychiatric staff provoke their patients into violence
so they can bill insurance companies up to sixteen hundred dollars a day
for each restrain patient the patient would
resist Agnes is resist treatment also want to leave
treatment weather at the hospital and invariably
every time that person situation be exacerbated
until they're putting them straight to medicaid at which point they would be
documented reasons keep the person tree the burden of such claims is passed
directly to the public
in the former soaring health care premiums as for their victims
the experiences traumatic and even lethal
-year-old rachelle Clayborn died in Laurel Ridge is care last
August the state report shows during the restraint quote Rochelle stated several
times she could not breed
in almost all respects a step the staff
I behaved appropriately follow the standards by taking advantage of
week or big risk reply those psychiatrists
and their staff are almost never held criminally liable
for assault battery and murder he begged me to take them home
take my mother that they were treating him wrongly
or on here one stay there
and i got a call that there had been an accident that they held him down until
he can breathe anymore
Alicia what was it don't take them out there before
happened and I miss me every day
wish we could have a bit click here to this day
no one has been charged for the child's murder be
elderly are a prime target for psychiatric abuse with treatment a
senior citizens in mental institutions
costing private and government insurance over
billion dollars a year
I'm workin commitment has occurred it wouldn't have heard
the people had had insurance the propyl that putting is generally and how fast
they get out once the insurance runs out
involuntary commitment is a former psychiatric slavery
where persons are treated as if their property and they're deprived of liberty
and people are making money in the process
this long as yet in order to email us predation psychiatry
he is a prison is a crime against humanity is not mention
every minute %uh everyday someone is involuntarily committed to a psychiatric
and if you think this is something that can't happen to you
or someone you know think again every seconds
someone in america has been committed against their will
and with over a trillion dollars allocated to US hospital since
psychiatrists have carved out for themselves a lucrative commercial
hit behind it dubious interpretation up the law
but all too often psychiatrists commit crimes to
Bligh to be ignored
the FBI has raided the headquarters of one of the nation's largest operators a
psychiatric hospitals
hundreds complained of overbilling misdiagnosed conditions
and insurance fraud investigators say they found more than , similar cases
in all states psychiatrist clearly are getting rich
psychiatrist traded drugs for sex while Paul
insurance claims exported ocean sexually we have uncovered
some old the lever aggressive creative
the sep two immoral and illegal schemes
being used to Bill him to the hospital bed with insured
and paying paid
on my
every psychiatrist texan hopes to follow in ethical code of conduct
all to put the cure of their patients above all else
well but have more medical disciplines psychiatry has the worst
record abroad and abuse psychiatry
is almost a license to print money if a doctor were clever enough and many of
them are
there's no reason that they couldn't make at least a half million dollars a
fraudulently and get away with it in psychiatry
not purport to have deposed every psychiatrist in Las Vegas I can tell you
for a fact I have
maybe a deposed happy by and large they were a dishonest
deceitful line buncha people so prevalent other deceptive and criminal
billing practices
insurance investigators have slang for it like
the California wave and two hundred dollar handshake
your hundred-dollar handshake is when
usually a patient is a institutionalized
psychiatrist psychologist will visit that person
say cans with them so hello I'm doctors also I'm
taking care your your problem here in an leaves
might have ten or twenty patients in early bill an hour for each one
they might be in all hospital for a total of thirty minutes
twenty patients hours and they'd send the bills of too many key
we see that most to the victims of recovered memory therapy
were women who had excellent health insurance
mother was government insurance for private insurance because many insurance
policies wouldn't pay for this kind of
long-term nonsense to those people were targeted because the nature of the
that they had every year the US psychiatric industry defraud government
and private insurance
a forty billion dollars using any means possible
to deceive the public there were some advertisements
very seductive advertisements for people want to lose weight
I'm having problems losing weight and they would be given
you know all expenses paid to go to particular
spar when they got to the spar on when an unsigned and
it was in the spa was a psychiatric center
men they couldn't get out one instead they received as they receive
massive doses the mind-altering drugs
in with tip for a lengthy period of time and
their their chairs carry was bill tremendous amounts of
world money or something was unnecessary
but their lies go beyond the psych ward
and into the courts whereas p witnesses they will say
anything to collect their featured a psychiatric expert
cool havoc one opinion
and one scenario and a completely opposite opinion
in another scenario based and
which law firm or governmental agency
is pain for his time the psychiatrist on
one hand will tell the public that suicide can
can be prevented but will go into court
intelligently that suicide cannot be prevented and then once you
show his prior inconsistent statements he also show that he
is paid very well but pharmaceuticals then the jury says you know what
we're not so sure about you I because you just lied to us
add to the Greek dishonesty and Abbas their sex crimes
accounting for only six percent of the positions in the country
psychiatrists commit one-third of the sex-related offenses
committed by doctors it has happened so often
that by the mid eighties
the insurance companies
who insurer physicians across america
started writing sexual claims
out up the policies altogether that's how common it was
the system's so
program that more than fouls
complaints have been registered but nothing act
on when a psychiatrist has a patient female patient
and abused them sexually
there's a very high probability that got away
I see many cases where the mental health professional becomes
very disturbed and choosing very strange and on
treatments and back and go on for many years with no one finding out about it
because it's not very public it's quite prime
things happen behind closed doors
tragically their sex crimes often involve children
case in point doctors see
Markham barry on the surface a well-respected member of his community
but all that shattered when he was arrested on child molestation charges
vanloads of child pornography were removed from his home
and the subsequent investigation uncovered his sexual abuse
a former patients boys age
who photographed and sodomized all part of what the state called
fifty years and berries rampant undetected
sexual escapades with chilled this is not an
isolated incident is that carefully mast
character of the members have this profession in every Sat every state
every country you'll find psychiatrists
committing great sexual abuse merck and world
and as you will see psychiatrist entire credibility depends on the biggest
on I was diagnosed by the chemical imbalance
manic-depression diagnosed with having the baby
Tommy conduct disorder the mound the fashion major depression to press
borderline personality disorder
costumes I
abrasions review
there's no such thing
as mental disorder a mental disorder is whatever someone
says it is and if the person saying
this is a mental disorder has enough power and influence
then people believe old that a mental disorder but you can't have power
or influence without credibility so psychiatry
manufactures its own it's based on
a grab-bag checklists for disorders
that are published in a book called BDSM breaches
the diagnostic and statistical manual
there are no statistics in this book by the way at this makes it sound more
they create this question are diseased and I get together and they bowled
is just a disease all in favor say aye
it marketed as scientifically based
document now the American Psychiatric Association
which publishes the DSM do a lot of work
to create and and are a scientific precision
around the DSM but it's not scientifically based
since the first edition of the DSM the number of mental disorders
voted into psychiatry diagnostic manual has grown to
and with each new disorder psychiatrists create
yet another way to defraud the public give twenty seven ways the bill in the
assembly some ways to bill
Jeff a Jew is the bill so you could pretty much by
anyone walking on the street they can fit into a DSM
somehow we will discuss cover you can't
say the word you've got to send a number and they have numbers
for the most ridiculous things you like
are in with your mother Orem paying
and the bear have a lot of luck rebellion
disorder is an official psychiatric diagnoses
home arithmetic learning
disorder is an official psychiatric diagnosing
general anxiety disorder the reason
by no for each one there is
a five digit code with the decimal point
now the implication that is
year I have illness . but that's different in some important
scientifically proven way
from someone who has . happen and nothing could be further from the truth
incredibly enough while presenting the DSM to the world as
scientific fact psychiatrist freely admit
its under lack of science we have new
diagnostic reliable Marcus
for almost any illness there is in the DSM what we're testing for in psychiatry
it's hard to say because there's nothing specific but as far as
I test its clinically useful home
you know basically we're not there yet we don't have any laboratory tests that
they can use to
determine whether somebody does he doesn't have a mental illness
there but no good the biological test
for the detecting mental health hazard is no caster no biopsy
you do there is no chemical test right now then no specific tasks
to banned from the diagnoses no show the improvement like any black dance or any
x-rays or anything like that oh and my practice I don't do any tests I just
speak the people at
listen to them and then I make a decision and what's
kinda feels these diagnoses theory
as widely as the psychiatrists to make them
in this hidden camera footage a person visited several
different psychiatrists complaining of the same symptoms
I'm extremely unorganized and I didn't used to be
its cause problems in the family it's cause problems getting on
I'm self-employed you got AB
Press you have my in beautiful allogeneic
you have a long s placing thank you to make speeches
what that means is that we got some the president and so
you know my symptoms and by Paul Alongi you losing
United on computer
low-grade by Paul you are more eighty
me and as far as medications keep them
Eastern occasion what's why
home you
I'm you his lesson from one
and president is a bed
sessions but the treatment or any by
over playfully thing that you
when Mom preval good
became lesson from maple equally
he let him and maybe even at your best
also it be on all
if I give me a medication if it is going to work or not to a certain degree it's
the trial and error you never know if it's the right product
only people I care too well the there are no real cures right now and
I have cure non of my patience where
always challenged by our Lacko knowledge
any in fact we don't know what the cause is a mental illness most mental
illnesses we do not know the cause
the force would be nice to no exact reasons
disorders but maybe in the future I'm the
director for search for the American Psychiatric Association we don't know
the ideology everything any the mental disorders at the present time
do some fibers coming out its grown
to ten times its original size Canada labels
everybody I could find five diagnoses the true
would fit new or anybody else compare this to the research methods of
a real science the discovers real diseases
using a wide variety of precise diagnostic tests
we do millions apart retests
as well as the structural examination on the microscopic examination its
Tom the whole series I love applied scientific procedures
in in the case that upscale trade there isn't any
on the part retool but can precisely identified
psychiatric two seasons up allowed to be classified
it's not as if there some study of tissue were some study at the body or
some study of matter
these are all categories which are made up
they're simply made up then that they don't exist in nature
there decided upon by psychiatrists and voted on
psychiatrists are not the only ones who benefit from the DSM
%uh wherever you find a psychiatric diagnosis
will find a psychiatric drug pharmaceutical
corporation now from Germany enormous sums of money
for the education up like at your residence and for the support
well research by their professors
know that psychiatry today has become very in america
become very largely learning which drug use with which
leave the word we need to make sure that we understand
the very close interactions among
the American Psychiatric Association with its DSM
the pharmaceutical companies who love the fact that every time there's a new
addition the DSM
there are dozens more categories in there
and so more conditions
for the drug companies to say oh we've got a bill for that
in a study revealed that percent of all psychiatrists
deciding what disorders to list in the next DSS had financial ties
to at least one drug company today
we see the consequences a barrage of drugs
each one targeted at and invented disorder
that is backed by an arbitrary diagnosis found in the TSX ok
the fair that it is couched in the language of science
without again without necessarily having
any have been scientific data or
core underpinnings to justify is
as threatening as anything we've seen
and psychiatry is latest and most expensive
more to fool the public by imitating legitimate medicine
brain scans we can scan all the brains we want to the fact that we see changes
in different people's brains changes in functioning doesn't mean that we've
anything that has origin in the brain it just means that we're seeing changes
but it doesn't mean that there's something wrong brain psychiatrists and
use the DSM to label $ million people
worldwide as mentally a total
equal to the population to friends it'll German Canada Australia the United
and rush combine up
while sales at the psychiatric drugs they push have topped
billion dollars and funding from world governments for these patients
world psychiatry billion dollars a year
and much of this month come from the diagnosis and Drug
are most trusting and both
we have a small all manner of poisons certainties
fed us by our parents and schoolteachers
if the race to be free from its crippling burden of good
he will
it must be psychiatrist taken the original
responsibility on
brought Chisholm's declaration typified the psychiatric onslaught
aimed directly at our school system they actually
said purpose was social control not to pass on knowledge
not to give them something for that he can go into the world of work
in psychiatrists and psychologists from around the world
met at the White House to propose a total reorientation
the public school system the White House Conference
on mental help in the nineteen fifties was a landmark
that sore to bolster
the idea that schools would serve their communities better
in as mental health clinics the Maywood
as are institutions of learning
in the early sixties the world of like our
restarted really go places in this country little by little
came into our schools are educational system
and by it was written into law
psychiatrists were given the green light for the wholesale labeling and rock
school our child is labeled
ADD or ADHD the minute he can't
are sit still for then
mom -minute period of time are
or mile talks constantly
or ignores the teacher completely that will get
him in earn him he ADD or ADHD
label the labeling of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
ADHD went into full swing in
within one year five hundred thousand american children
would be diagnosed as ADHD by
that number had soared to . million in response to widespread public alarm at
apparent epidemic mental disease the US government-funded
National Institutes of Health assembled a panel of prominent doctors and
to explain to parents and educators exactly what
be tht was
I would like good any member the panel to describe
a typical ADHD in terms of symptomatology
it mark which elected
since you see them in your practice the their
I mean I think the panel has been frank in
you know the difficulties here are a man's in terms of love
are I am
the ski I mean now
it is hard it's very hard to know how to answer this question
Wed there
they cannot you know even when I am
are the
are as is driven by a motor there are some good clinical descriptions
do it
and I think you know we I
I do I think the park part of the problem is the profession keep changing
the diagnosed
at this time we do not have a diagnostic test for ADHD
therefore the validity of the disorder continues to be a problem
but this shocking admission did not stop school psychiatrists
two years later the number of american students diagnosed with ADHD
had shut up to six mil
today twenty million children worldwide
are labeled with some former learn disorder a diagnosis often made
in a matter of minutes we would the behind on
I to a mere on with along with the parents
we would then look at on the child we would like to thank mom manipulative
activities with them to see whether deficit was
army was wrong what we were doing we were looking at a five minute claims
that this child's life in saint okay here you go
here's a little pal take it you'll be fine those little pills like
riddle had a role in concert are classified by the US Drug Enforcement
as highly addictive substances wait along with cocaine
Caroline and methamphetamine
when I was on the road when it
made me just when feel like to lead over or causing
was else Health announced watching now
go crazy I felt like dial
was added all the time like I wasn't there
I was a young man you just don the very much like
the EU no email do you can
just being hit by and just don't do anything extra my mother never tease me
back she tried everything
HD I was I'm something mom
I actually feel bad and feel sorry for me
in I died but then again I
at she am read me smeal I am
I asked her lover am a little more than I want to kill myself
and said I sat I stopped when I realized that the abundance a prescription
medications greeted a new
income source for kids selling their methods to their schools
is cokie cocaine they take the redline in the just repackage it
and they still live on campus in kids because it's like the
to figure their house gonna do drugs might as well make it worth it
handed Upton Street chosen
and it could mean to really been we're looking at
I am marijuana and other things is being gateway drugs
and actually the the so-called medications are green gaming tonight
the numeral one drugs are backfiring big time because the child is
already disruptive and he takes cocaine
he's gonna be a lot more disruptive after be taken it
is not going to calm down moon she got on the drugs in her personality change
their behaviors change to be here and he can
dark and violent end I you just a nightmare
kept having adverse reactions becoming very very angry
he could not control his behavior he couldn't control his temper
he was on five different fight man's prozac can
on lithium and he was seven years old
and he was unable to function he would have wages and then crying and
and all kinds of on just violent rages
grabbing knives in all of this with
the list includes fifteen-year-old Kip Kinkel
withdrawing from prozac you shot classmates
killing two after murdering his mother and stepfather at his home
in Springfield Oregon nineteen year old Jason Hartman
one affects or and slacks a he opened fire at his California high school
ruling fifteen-year-old Sean Cooper
on a mix of anti-depressants when he shot students
in idaho -year-old Eric Harris
Honolulu box when he and partner d-link Leibel killed classmates and a
in the bloodiest school massacre yet Columbine
and all this overshadows the very recent children came to school in the first
to get an education
since the United States has fallen from th to th place
in worldwide academic standing well during that same period
the number of american schoolchildren labeled with learning disorders has
skyrocketed and the sales at ADHD
drugs have multiplied talk
children do desk or second group %um don't ask to be diagnosed
you don't because greasy sure US to as the classic grumman Christian legal
question Clybourn
benefits the people who make should I use
in ok
that I had should
actually going to govern that politicians should listen to
cycle and a sec add it should be in every Parliament
and should direct and monitor political
psychiatry in little more than a century
has infiltrated society on a global scale
and not by accident
people are aware that in nineteen forty-a prominent British
psychiatrist Colonel Jay R Rees addressed the National Council on Mental
and set the agenda for some country for the next years
since since the crash has been given authority in nearly every sector of
with tragic results we are same to make it primate every educational activity
and our national life public life politics & industry
should all other be within our sphere of influence
we've made a useful attack upon a number
professions the two easiest from Ashley other teaching profession and the church
the most difficult nor at matts
reese's college psychiatrist she broke Chisholm cofounder of the World
Federation for mental health
leader expended upon psychiatrists plans to achieve world government
it is necessary to remove from the minds of men
their individualism loyalty to family traditions
national patriotism and religious dogmas
to implement their master plan
American psychiatrist convince the US Congress
that mental illness was a national threat that only
day with vast increases in funding could solve
and thus began massive US government expenditures for psychiatric research
which have climbed from one million dollars a year in
. billion dollars today an increase
a more than , percentage
as psychiatric influence spread across america it also spread throughout the
world behind Christ
after world crisis you'll find a handy of Psychiatry example serbian
your van Ross coverage who demanded the ethnic cleansing of croats and muslims
because of his firm belief in their racial inferiority
the result Bosnia in the s
were rescued which is called psychiatrist radovan karadzich
and Prime Minister slobodan milosevic established balkan concentration camps
with the mask torture rape and murder of the innocent
happened once more one military psychiatrist
explained how it was done said today that he seemed
two-year a revealed that that's up to the PC
take mom he said less outlet mall
at the bowled a year a the parade
people they said about us the seemingly on this year the
X that mean even master could break that
sample this the Purcell all
a your the style the
I'll and style his FB
were cialis process of creating
a shower I was a let their
PL with century-old Pavlovian conditioning
coupled with modern-day mind control techniques psychiatrists and
concerned average men and even children into mass murderers
you could train them to use firearms indiscriminately you can train them to
shoot people with very little feeling I thought you could
train them to use abusive and brutalizing procedures
in order to obtain information with no hesitancy with no concern
this is out terrorists are created
I'll in the wake of / who summer bin Laden was characterized as the
mastermind behind the attacks
but the acknowledge brain trust and commander of al Qaeda
is I'm and also watery the educated in psychology
and pharmacology at the University of Cairo and the author of the
al Qaeda training manual on the use of course in psychiatry
and orchestrating the terrorist bombings in Madrid
Abdul Hafeez another al Qaeda operative
relying on those same techniques to manipulate the minds of men
you can implant memories memories are potent
sources motivated behavior if you implant
enough memories specific kinds you can shape and change the nature and human
and feelings and it was thought to be a kind of ultimate weapon because
what great a weapon could there be then control the human mind
you can control Mon and Shan a new cam move people around
particularly when you control the launch is scheduled to control their minds
will be look at at psychiatry and psychology
social control is the primary agenda
and that agenda is being put in place throughout the world right now
using mental health screening campaigns bed to the public
under such innocuous sounding names as teen scream
the national government is actually encouraging it me and wanting to test
every single here in our public school system all
children are put under this kind of a test
for psychiatric evaluation a -minute test that tells them absolutely nothing
I predicted upwards of ninety percent up all the people scream
will be diagnosed as having a psychiatric disorder
which means that will have an entire generation
that will be up perfect profit center
the man behind the teen screen program psychiatrist
David Schaper consultant to the US Department of Defense
they're not just screening children to have complete control
me children in school their screening now
and that bill they will screen their parents
and they will screen all adults in america
the idea of mass screening for mental illness in the american population
run by a government initiative he is one of the scariest ideas ever
sick I it he's politics
there's always been politics it is politics few and simply because politics
you was all these the application of force
against people we don't want to be forced
it's that thing and carrots better wake up society better wake up
because were in serious trouble if they don't psychiatry is master plan to
all sectors of society is becoming a reality
we don't have an epidemic mental illness
we haven't epidemic but psychiatry something
can and must be done about
founded in by the Church of Scientology
the citizens Commission on Human Rights investigates and exposes
psychiatric violations of human rights
from its international headquarters in Los Angeles California
CCH or document psychiatrist invasive
and destructive practices and publishes its findings
making them available in some languages more than
deep million copies have been distributed to healthcare professionals
government officials educators and business leaders
world over
the headquarters is also the site of a world-renowned exhibit
psychiatry and industrial dead
centered around documentary film this state of the art exhibition presents the
history of psychiatry
from its origins with the mentally bill word cage-like am
to the present day math breaking up society
as the Cure for invented mental disorders traveling versions of the
exhibit visit hundreds of cities
across cartons opening the way for hundreds of thousands
to discover for themselves the dark truth behind psychiatry
what is today a global human rights movement began more than thirty years
with the point for the freedom ok one individual Victor
yoori forcibly committed to a Pennsylvania psychiatric hospital he was
interviewed by psychiatrist
who's there
I can't understand a word as well as saying he's
incoherence obviously paranoid schizophrenic him at home
which they did now he wasn't babbling incoherently he was speaking
hearing we filed a lawsuit against hospital in the middle of the case
the doctor who was the head of the hospital's stands up
and he says we want nothing more to do with victory Peoria the release
Victor your was the first up thousands of cases throughout the world
helped by CCH are CCH are challenging voluntary commitment laws throughout the
United States and internationally and what we found was that people being
castrated with that
any legal rights they had no right to an attorney they could be dropped
shock lobotomized without their consent example
Australia with CCH are
exposed a psychiatric practice call deep sleep treatment
patients were being knocked unconscious with a cocktail
Bobby churches and other psychiatric drugs and now being subjected to
electric shock treatment
daily sometimes twice daily without their knowledge
deep sleep treatment had led to forty page debts
it was CCH are that investigation
exposed and for for over a decade until
deep sleep treatment was bad
in South Africa CCH are exposed psychiatric camps
were mental patients were kept and brutalized and then
farmed out as slave labor in Italy
CCH or work with legislators and the media
conducting raids on psychiatric hospitals the conditions of which bore
and CC HR got them shut down in Japan CCH are exposed the financial crimes
have psychiatrists and hospitals
that were defrauding the government and taxpayers the guilty were tried
and the hospital's put out a business
and in the United States CCH are uncovered a billion-dollar fraud
in the nation's largest chain private mental health facilities
federal agents conducted raids across states
dozens of prosecutions in Sioux millions in fines imposed
and the entire chain of corrupt hospitals was bankrupted
and permanently closed
and behind every public morning you see today about psychiatric drugs
is TCHR DTH arias
document the side effects of these drugs has taken evidence to the FDA
has gone to congress has obtain congressional hearings
to years for the FDA finally admitted that those drugs can cause suicide an
issue but box warnings with at nine state laws passed
following that was introduction to the top medication safety act in
in the last three years alone there have been more than fifty
international drug regulatory agency warnings exposing the dangers of
psychiatric drugs
history has told us every
workable method the could be used to help people who are seriously disturbed
who do you need some sort of treatment
has been suppressed and smashed by the vested interests psychiatry
and the pharmaceutical industry public largely been getting their information
from the industry that
benefit from putting them on psychiatric drugs with that
advertising campaign it's not by its marketing CC hrs causing things to
by being champions for a growing number of well-intentioned people
who are risking their professional careers to speak up against the abuses
of Psychiatry having had support from a group like this
has made a tremendous difference in like I feel personally that I've been able to
I think it's ECHR essence fellow soldiers
unaware of any other organization that does the kind words CCH orders
particular the scoping level that they do
CCH are has been very effective it moving the ball down the field
one at a time one state at the time legislator to time
CCH ours have the resources to be able to
teach and have legislators become more aware but the problem
with the psychotropic drugs are TCHR has researched the issue we need the fax
you go to teach our today since the HR has over chapters
been dozens of countries around the world wherever and whenever
psychiatrists abuse human rights
TCHR takes its message to the streets
from the United States to Japan and from Canada to the United Kingdom
prominent members of CCH are lead marchers
to secure the protection and freedom from psychiatric abuse
for everyone it is essential
that's ECHR does their job and gets the support to do their job because the
extent to which they do
the whole vehicle that's out of control about psychiatry
its to be contained gets to be limini it scares me
think if this doesn't happen I've seen up close was like
scares the daylights give a hundred thousand people elector shocked every
you have seventeen million children worldwide taking mind-altering drugs
you have it people being involuntarily committed every seconds
and its all under the guys have meant a whole the only way I did your thing and
treatment with the mental health system is to take psychiatry
and the best interests at the picture and only
then will you see people truly obtaining mental
health you have two choices you pretend you knew nothing about it
would you do something about with knowledge comes responsibility that's
why we're here
that's what people are joining forces with the CHR thousand from
every faith and Walker life have already joined CCH are investigates and exposes
psychiatric violations of human rights and will continue to do so
until fight Qadri's abusive and coercive practices
and human rights and dignity are returned to wall
your help business joins
in the fight
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